Registered users of Notebook Maker will be supplied with a copy of ‘Commander’.
Essentially, ‘Commander’ is a Notebook engine — that is, while similar to Notebooks, the ‘Commander’ window differs in one important aspect—the addition of a pop-up menu that allows you to select one of any number of ‘Command Set’ files to view.
For example, rather than creating several stand-alone Notebook applications, which contain related material, you may prefer to create several ‘Command Set’ files (these files are not stand-alone applications). If you place these files in the same folder as the ‘Commander’ application, when you run ‘Commander’, you’ll be able to use the pop-up menu to select which set of topics should be displayed at any one time.
When performing a search with ‘Commander’, you can search the currently displayed Command Set only, or search across all available Command Sets.
‘Commander’ has one other additonal feature—you can change the size of the topic list window. Three window sizes are availabel for small (9", Powerbook), medium (13-14") and large (>14") monitors.